

Saturday, December 5, 2009


Even though my family does not celebrate the holidays, I am feeling the stress that is cliche this time of year. As cold Saturdays are good for, I slept in and ravaged my Hulu account. Dollhouse, Joss Whedon's current death-bed project that I fell in love with (not just because of Eliza Dushku) last season, is ending beautifully. Complex, inexplicable twists, technology that may never exist, et cetera, et cetera is exactly where I was hoping this show was going but didn't know it. Hopefully this Firefly 2.0 will get it's Serenity someday soon.

In personal matters, old friends are tricky levitations... it's interesting to see how people can be surprising. My old friends find a way to be soul-shakingly surprising and absolutely predictable simultaneously within the timeframe of our brief encounters. Most surprising, though, is that the old shoes I used to fill still fit.