

Sunday, January 3, 2010


the beginning of a new year... a new decade... an important decade... at the end of this decade I will be thirty, so I really believe that the next ten years will really establish who I am and how I will impact the world.
My mantra in life (thus far) has been to embrace the fluidity of life, to be humble and open to change, but I'm realizing that simply going with the flow offers no real contribution to anyone... so I'm going to try to redirect my mantra.
For now, I will focus on spreading what I find beautiful. A regional artist, Paul Cordes Wilm, is one of my favorite artists of all time. His paintings and multimedia art has a nonchalant sense of humor while maintaining the charm of pop art and the significance of folk art (@


  1. I hadn't really stopped to think about the fact that I will be 32 at the end of this decade. It just hit me... I'm kinda looking forward to it actually...

  2. ... you know what? I am too. It's weird... lol at the end of this decade we'll be in the age bracket of the Friends character cast... just sayin' (being out of school gives me a LOT of free time)

  3. I call dibs on being Monica. Or Chandler. I know he's a guy but I love him.

  4. That's cool... as long as I can be... Rachel! I know I'm going to be Ross, but it's fun to dream :/
